Mastodon Mastodon

Detailed information about Purple Motion - 2nd Reality

Current time: 2025-03-01 05:28
17 listeners from 9 countries.
Ghidorah & Zerion - Toilet Story 3 [02:32]
Chris Plorán - Trading My Sorrows [04:43] at 05:33:37
Purple Motion - 2nd Reality [06:06]
Prepare the Google search field with this track.

Track is available for download for registered members of

Played on the rotational 316 times

Last 5 plays:
2025-02-14 02:35:54
2025-01-22 09:20:22
2024-12-31 21:56:24
2024-12-07 08:47:06
2024-11-28 21:12:20

Played on these shows

Steph and Kevman - Scenes from the Burgh  at  2014-03-16 21:15:06 (74:37)
The Scenesat Assembly 2013 Live Staff - Assembly 2013 - The first day  at  2013-08-01 18:13:09 (48:10)
fnordpojk - Sat-U-Rated 2012 Allstars  at  2013-01-01 22:31:11 (210:53)
Ziphoid - Sat-U-Rated  at  2012-07-02 22:33:21 (152:53)
Hazel - Demolicious 2010 Special  at  2010-12-29 22:38:13 (156:55)
SceneSat Staff - Breakpoint 2010 weekend part 2  at  2010-04-03 15:20:06 (139:58)
Hazel - SceneBits  at  2010-01-30 21:31:31 (91:11)
Ziphoid and fnordpojk - Off Air  at  2009-04-23 20:41:19 (40:55)

This track has been downloaded 34 times.

This track has been given 31 ratings.

Average rating:
8.2 / 10
Rated and commented:
by Zaphoid who shouted: This tune is what got me interested in tracking in the first place.
by Byproduct who shouted: Very inspirational tune. It came with the copy of Fast Tracker 2 that I got before I even knew what the demoscene is. Anything else than 10/10 is out of the question for me. :)
by SoanoS who shouted: A fine, classic piece from a very impressive demo from the golden years of Amiga and Demoscene.
by BDE who shouted: Hey Sir Garbagetruck! This is a famous, oldies scene hit, you know?! Do whatever the heck you want. This is fact! Why is this problem? ...and so you can found only one song from Purple Motion. Easy and relax! :)
by Whistler who shouted: love the beat!
by zgl who shouted: ossom
by Sellbars who shouted: Sounds nice, I like it.
by Mordi who shouted: Classic!
by Sir Garbagetruck who shouted: utter crap. given status of "massive" by people who hate the demoscene. Purple Motion did far better tracks, Future Crew far better demos, but people ignore that (and the demoscene itself) and treat this song/demo as if it were the ONLY thing ever made. If I had my druthers, I would remove this crap from our playlist/rotational. I've had people tell me this was from the first demo ever, and that after this, the demoscene stopped all activity. Oh, and the similarity to 'Desert Dream' is ... Hi Timbaland!

22 members have rated it, but not given any comments.

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