Mastodon Mastodon

Welcome to SceneSat - the place that connects the many musical aspects of the demoscene to the rest of the world.

Current time: 2025-03-01 02:47
23 listeners from 12 countries.
Fanta - In The Shadow [02:03] at 02:52:20
About SceneSat

SceneSat is a charitable association (Swedish ideell förening, 802517-7323) focused on bringing the demoscene to more people than it would otherwise reach.

We aim to play the best music from every corner of the scene. Our goal is to make more people aware of the scene. There are just so many talented musicians in the scene that it would be a shame if they were only heard in the scene.

You will not find a larger mass of musical talent anywhere else than in the scene. These artists make the music because they love it - not because they need to sell a album like the commercial mainstream artists - and you can hear that it is music made with soul.

Computer music is NOT just bleeps and noise. It is just as good as commercial music and in some cases even better.. and we will prove it. Just tune in and have a listen for yourself.
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The following kind people have joined our Patreon:

Tier II: David 'Bombe' Roden, dojoe, jeenio & 9 anonymous
Tier I: aldroid, Bowyer, Chainsaw, iamdarkyoshi, jpt9, K-Line, V1rgul & 7 anonymous