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Detailed information about daXX - World of Unicorns (vs. Lizardking) (SceneSat First)

Current time: 2025-03-01 05:03
20 listeners from 12 countries.
daXX - World of Unicorns (vs. Lizardking) (SceneSat First) [03:19]
Prepare the Google search field with this track.

Played on the rotational 227 times

Last 5 plays:
2025-02-19 07:04:26
2025-01-26 06:03:03
2025-01-04 05:07:36
2024-12-10 21:25:56
2024-11-15 21:02:25

This track has been downloaded 30 times.

This track has been given 14 ratings.

Average rating:
8 / 10
Rated and commented:
by ConsolKing who shouted: my favorit music composer daXX
by Byproduct who shouted: Slamming the piano keys a bit too hard at times, but very enjoyable nonetheless.
by disturbed who shouted: Ah... this takes me back to my first few time Ft2. This was one of the first songs I saw that used a higher speed (3 I think) and also varied bpm and speed. It gives the track a flow when watching it, like it's a performance and that was pretty exciting to me. The opening of this remix captures it for me really well. Thanks

11 members have rated it, but not given any comments.

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