Mastodon Mastodon

Detailed information about André Söderlund - Pirates Of Elmia

Current time: 2025-03-01 08:35
22 listeners from 10 countries.
Mystra - Ultima Thule [03:37]
Amok - Future City [04:17] at 08:35:50
André Söderlund - Pirates Of Elmia [03:01]
Prepare the Google search field with this track.

Track is available for download for registered members of

Played on the rotational 360 times

Last 5 plays:
2025-02-28 14:38:33
2025-02-06 15:34:11
2025-01-12 14:41:39
2024-12-23 00:32:00
2024-12-01 21:18:37

Played on these shows

Ziphoid - Sat-U-Rated  at  2012-07-02 21:13:53 (73:25)
fnordpojk - Sat-U-Rated  at  2012-04-13 22:07:36 (127:13)
Sir Garbagetruck - Sat-U-Rated 2010  at  2011-01-08 22:35:20 (350:00)
SceneSat Staff - Kindergarden weekend part 2  at  2010-11-06 20:45:01 (110:41)
SceneSat Staff - Stream 7 Weekend part 2  at  2010-09-25 18:59:18 (267:06)
Sir Garbagetruck and guests - Sat-U-Rated  at  2010-07-08 21:00:52 (118:26)
SceneSat Staff - Breakpoint 2010 weekend part 2  at  2010-04-03 13:42:24 (42:16)
Ziphoid - Sat-U-Rated  at  2010-01-07 22:34:54 (154:41)
Hazel - SceneBits  at  2009-12-05 22:54:18 (173:52)
fnordpojk - <insert cool show name here>  at  2009-05-03 21:46:47 (90:07)

This track has been downloaded 95 times.

This track has been given 32 ratings.

Average rating:
8.6 / 10
Rated and commented:
by Rainbowchazer who shouted: Love it! Pirates of ...what? Do I care?
by irwin who shouted: Wow!!!
by addicted_to_c64 who shouted: this one should really be in a movie...
by wizzrobe who shouted: Just love it!
by PsychNerD who shouted: More than awesome, simply perfect in every way.
by Dr-Duke who shouted: Setting sail.. get ready... yarr! Absolutely stunning!
by Mordi who shouted: Sure you didn't rip this from the Pirates of the Carribean soundtrack CD? =P
by m0d who shouted: Nice to hear something with some compositional variety!
by BDE who shouted: I do not know what to think about it... Maybe, dont like it this style. :/ But technically not bad.

23 members have rated it, but not given any comments.

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