Mastodon Mastodon

Detailed information about Thomas Detert - Shades - Love's End

Current time: 2025-03-01 05:22
16 listeners from 8 countries.
Cerror - Clockwerk [02:21]
Nova Fractal - Redemption [10:09] at 05:23:31
Thomas Detert - Shades - Love's End [05:13]
Prepare the Google search field with this track.

Played on the rotational 358 times

Last 5 plays:
2025-02-27 07:51:35
2025-02-02 07:35:51
2025-01-08 07:25:53
2024-12-18 15:00:48
2024-11-23 10:11:49

Played on these shows

Firefox and ALPA - On Air  at  2024-03-07 19:19:13 (18:28)
Ziphoid - Cozy Corner - part 2  at  2017-10-30 21:22:33 (40:03)
Ziphoid and Firefox - On Air  at  2016-12-15 22:11:06 (130:47)
Steph - Soothing Sounds  at  2016-12-12 21:10:49 (68:59)
Ziphoid and Firefox - On Air  at  2016-03-11 22:54:01 (170:45)
Ziphoid - Cozy Corner  at  2014-12-01 20:51:27 (51:14)
Steph and Kevman - Sat-U-Rated  at  2011-10-02 21:42:26 (153:43)
Ziphoid - Sat-U-Rated  at  2011-08-01 23:06:38 (186:27)
Sir Garbagetruck - Sat-U-Rated 2010  at  2011-01-08 23:46:12 (420:52)
Ziphoid - Cozy Corner  at  2010-10-17 22:16:15 (135:53)
Sir Garbagetruck and guests - Sat-U-Rated  at  2010-07-08 22:14:25 (191:59)
Ziphoid - Sat-U-Rated  at  2010-01-07 22:46:55 (166:42)
Ziphoid - Cozy Corner  at  2009-12-06 22:06:12 (125:51)
Ziphoid, mayor and Sir Garbagetruck - [ALT] Party weekend part 1  at  2009-10-24 01:55:34 (423:12)
Ziphoid - On Air  at  2009-08-13 23:29:23 (209:19)
Ziphoid - (I Wish I Was At) Birdie 19  at  2009-05-24 00:29:12 (269:09)
Ziphoid - Cozy Corner  at  2009-04-05 22:51:17 (171:04)

This track has been downloaded 3 times.

This track has been given 41 ratings.

Average rating:
9.4 / 10
Rated and commented:
by Mordi who shouted: I love this one too. Similar to o2's version, but better and more varied. The "soundscape" is incredibly awesome.
by King_Wing34 who shouted: This is one of the good ones ;)
by Ziphoid who shouted: I just LOVE this track. Smoothness galore!
by djbase who shouted: what should I add....everything said...sooo nice
by Serenity who shouted: It is so beautiful!!
by MH who shouted: Needless to comment ...
by MaD-][ who shouted: amazing feelings, enjoyable tune!
by emoon who shouted: some of the very best
by Kogan51999 who shouted: :)
by ComaJim who shouted: sweet mix and still a cool song after all these years :)
by Rainbowchazer who shouted: More of this please SceneSat - it's ideal writing music.
by Sellbars who shouted: Nice track :)

29 members have rated it, but not given any comments.

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