Mastodon Mastodon

Detailed information about Xerxes - Meditation

Current time: 2025-03-01 05:10
18 listeners from 11 countries.
Disco Hooligans - It's Good To Be Alive [07:46]
Cerror - Clockwerk [02:21] at 05:10:43
Xerxes - Meditation [32:44]
Prepare the Google search field with this track.

Track is available for download for registered members of

Played on the rotational 23 times

Last 5 plays:
2010-03-10 14:02:58
2010-03-03 04:38:45
2010-01-28 17:15:45
2010-01-10 21:27:26
2009-12-30 04:38:02

Played on these shows

fnordpojk - Compusphere 2016 - compo blocks 2-4 + prizegiving  at  2016-11-26 22:38:35 (275:26)
Ziphoid and Hazel - TRSAC 2012 weekend part 2  at  2012-10-20 18:08:43 (108:03)

This track has been downloaded 30 times.

This track has been given 12 ratings.

Average rating:
7.7 / 10
Rated and commented:
by wizzrobe who shouted: The ideal ambient tune - esp at night!
by Zaphoid who shouted: I feel so calm, warm and fuzzy now.
by witchyn who shouted: perfect nightmusic

9 members have rated it, but not given any comments.

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Tier II: David 'Bombe' Roden, dojoe, jeenio & 9 anonymous
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