Mastodon Mastodon

PsychNerD and guests live from @party in Montreal, Canada!

Current time: 2025-03-01 14:13
38 listeners from 15 countries.
Kent Valdén - Time to Play [03:34]
Xentar - Taking Pictures [05:44] at 14:13:46
@party Minidemo Montréal Deux with PsychNerD[ download ] [ .cuefile ]
Broadcast 2011-11-27 00:50 - 2011-11-27 03:01
PsychNerD and guests live from @party in Montreal, Canada!
Do you code, build electronics, or make electronic art or music, including chiptunes? Are you interested in overcoming formal constraints with your creativity? If so, you may be interested in the demoscene! This demoparty is a place for Montréal sceners to reconnect, and folks new to the demoscene to discover it. We will have one competition. Attendees will build, code, or otherwise create something onsite on the day of the party based on a theme announced when the site opens at 10h00. All entries must be turned into the organizers by 19h00. We will start a demoshow at 18h00. The space is limited to accommodate 50 people; please sign up for the applicable free tickets to let us know if you will be at the event during the day (Daytime demomaker) or just coming to watch the demoshow in the evening (Nighttime demowatcher). If you will do both, get both tickets. In the evening, as part of a demoshow, we will share the entries, and those present will vote on them by a show of hands. The first place winner(s) will get prizes, which may be edible ( : We will subdivide that competition into art, music, graphics, and so on, depending on what entries we get, so that as much as possible similar entries are in competition with one another. All tools are allowed and all libraries are allowed. Bring your own computer or other hardware. It should be able to connect to a standard VGA connector. Bring your own adapter. Projector information TBA. This event is made possible by the cooperation of RPM Montréal and with the assistance of Alistair Croll and Peter Taylor, to whom we are grateful. This event is run by the organizers of @party, a demoparty in Massachusetts.
Show playlist
When What
2011-11-27 00:50:46 (00:00) PsychNerD - @party Minidemo Montréal Deux
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