Mastodon Mastodon

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Current time: 2025-03-01 08:04
20 listeners from 10 countries.
Afgin - Tribute to the Sun [08:07]
KLANGSTEIN - Deep Dive (Reprise) [05:00] at 08:04:59


SceneSat Staff - Evoke 2019 - Compo I[ download ] [ .cuefile ]
2019-08-17 14:00:49 - 2019-08-17 15:07:38
When What
2019-08-17 14:00:48 (00:00) SceneSat Staff - Evoke 2019 - Compo I
2019-08-17 14:02:38 (01:50) .cn / iMPURE^cRO - digital killa bee
2019-08-17 14:03:10 (02:22) aNACHRONiST / impure!ASCII1940 - Stranger Text
2019-08-17 14:04:02 (03:14) grenzdevil/Team 210 - synthretardave
2019-08-17 14:04:34 (03:46) FuZioN / Neokortex - evoke 2o19
2019-08-17 14:04:58 (04:10) acidbrain/pvm^impure1940 - Hey Evoke!
2019-08-17 14:05:22 (04:34) Arlequin / PVM - Evoke
2019-08-17 14:05:55 (05:07) Madcap - suck public domain
2019-08-17 14:06:27 (05:39) Prismate / impure!ASCII1940 - Evoke
2019-08-17 14:06:55 (06:06) zEUS / sTYLe - Refuse Resist
2019-08-17 14:07:31 (06:42) LordNikon / dekadence^impure^dezign - trust in farts we do
2019-08-17 14:08:09 (07:20) Venam - Alemanni
2019-08-17 14:08:42 (07:53) Hellbeard / dIVINE sTYLERS ^ iMPURE - The Evokator
2019-08-17 14:09:20 (08:31) SceneSat Staff - Narration
2019-08-17 14:12:28 (11:39) smooth / fuel - evoke1
2019-08-17 14:13:10 (12:21) Aeleus - Angela Ziegler
2019-08-17 14:13:44 (12:55) Cranksy / Mistigris - (pH)luid is back
2019-08-17 14:14:21 (13:32) andyh / Blocktronics - Spaceman Spiff
2019-08-17 14:15:01 (14:12) Farts of Fool - Blue Period
2019-08-17 14:15:54 (15:05) Misfit / Blocktronics - Evoke 2019
2019-08-17 14:16:35 (15:46) iks/Titan^Fuel^iMPure - Dystopia
2019-08-17 14:17:09 (16:20) The Knight / Fuel - Gold Evoke
2019-08-17 14:17:53 (17:04) Elko/TRSi - Bat Country
2019-08-17 14:18:43 (17:54) Warpus & Mfsuppastar - Back for Burritos
2019-08-17 14:19:26 (18:37) nail & avg / Blocktronics - The Chosen One
2019-08-17 14:20:21 (19:32) nail & filth / Blocktronics - Frazetta's Dealer
2019-08-17 14:21:11 (20:22) GOO / 6LOCK7RONICS - MODERN ARCHITECTURE
2019-08-17 14:21:54 (21:05) Deep Freezer & The Knight / Fuel - Lips Inc.
2019-08-17 14:22:42 (21:53) nail & misfit / Blocktronics - Evoke-Demoparty of the Year Edition
2019-08-17 14:23:33 (22:44) The Knight & Somnambulist / Fuel - Mayday-Evoke
2019-08-17 14:24:29 (23:40) Warpus / Fuel - Test Card Trouble
2019-08-17 14:25:13 (24:25) Whazzit / Blocktronics - Ophelia
2019-08-17 14:26:02 (25:13) Zeus II - Amiga Frontier
2019-08-17 14:26:47 (25:58) necro/fuel / rbbs - Stuck in the middle with you
2019-08-17 14:27:41 (26:52) SceneSat Staff - Narration
2019-08-17 14:32:49 (32:00) Zodiak / Cascada - Libertine
2019-08-17 14:37:34 (36:45) ektr0/K2 - Libertine (ektr0.rEmix for evoke19.trackEd.musiC.c0mp0)
2019-08-17 14:41:46 (40:57) Okkie - Malta
2019-08-17 14:44:55 (44:06) Twilight / Wildfire ^ Lego - Twilight Remix
2019-08-17 14:48:50 (48:01) Uctumi/PVM - Libertine clandestine
2019-08-17 14:51:48 (50:59) bacter & Saga Musix - Liberation of Tine
2019-08-17 14:55:38 (54:49) PotcFdk - Lebertino
2019-08-17 14:58:25 (57:36) Rackler / Wildfire ^ Lego - "Elko-holic Twilight Zone" Remix
2019-08-17 15:02:13 (61:24) LMan - Libertine LManic Remix
2019-08-17 15:05:33 (64:45) SceneSat Staff - Narration
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