We need MOAR help, but in another fashion...
Want to be part of our team? We definitely need help, primarily in the sysadmin department. Expand to see more details!
To be able to help out, you should preferably actually have time to do so, since part of our biggest problem is lack of consistency and availability. Knowledge of virtualization and overall *nix sysadmin is a must and a bonus would also be if you have knowledge about streaming, both audio and video. More details about this all can be disclosed upon further discussions. Also, you should be prepared to stand Ziphoids constant ideas and whims, because they might give you the occasional headache. ;)
For further information, do join our Discord server or contact us in any other channel you might reach us.
You are helping us rebuild! THANK YOU ALL!
TL;DR We got help! Thanx a LOT for supporting us! Please keep it coming! (click to toggle more details)
We need to rebuild our servers to be able to cater for our own systems as well as all the scene related projects we host. This is where you come in! We already have a "new" server (it's about 6 years old) that will be capable of helping us grow for quite a while longer. It is not yet put to use because we need to overcome some I/O issues that most certainly will occur once we start to put some pressure on it. To resolve that, we need to do a hardware upgrade of the storage system.
UPDATE: We have now ordered the two needed controller cards + 2 NVMe M.2 4TB SSDs and will hopefully be able to perform the rebuilding soon!
0% SEK 7500
Go to the donate page for links to the various platforms you can use to donate to us.
Note: This bar is updated manually so there might be a bit of a delay before your donation makes a difference.
Note2: Since we surpassed 100%, we will use the funds to strengthen our finances. We're in the red each month due to the video server costs so this really helps!.
Note3: Oh, in case it's ok to show your name in the heroes list, just let us know and we'll sort that.
Join our Discord server or join us on IRC in the #scenesat channel on the EFnet network. Click here for an IRC chat client here on the site.
If you want to listen to them online, go to the online player.